When consumers purchase a product, they invariably receive a manual that explains the product in more detail. Manuals provide us with the instructions we need to use the product, and they almost always contain technical specifications and information the government deems necessary so that we, as consumers, have the information that will keep us safe and secure from harm, or that will apprise of how best to use the product now in our possession.
There are different types of manuals,, some are short and concise, while others are lengthy and complex. There are also technical manuals for industrial products that are aimed at professionals such as engineers. These manuals contain the details needed for engineers to fix the machines in question.
Our experience in translating technical manuals is vast, in the past 12 years, our translation service has translated more than 4,000 manuals of all lengths for different products, software and services. Sometimes these manuals are for internal purposes like HR manuals to train staff. Whether it’s a 3-page manual or a 300-page manual, our translations have covered the spectrum and we are uniquely positioned to effectively and knowledgeably translate your manuals into the language you need.
Does your oganization translate manuals every year?
Companies hire us regularly to translate their manuals for new product releases!!!
When you hire us you're hiring the most experienced translation firm in the USA that specializes in technical manual translation. We hvae an experienced staff of professionals that have successfully completed 4000+ manuals and now we lend our expertise to your project. Here are a few of the benefits of working with Houston Translations:
Adherence to Your Deadlines – At Houston Translations, we understand and value how important deadlines are to your business. We understand that products may not be considered delivered if the manual is not included. We also understand that, when you order from us, your deadline becomes our deadline and that there is no room for error or tardiness. We will work tirelessly, always, to ensure a timely delivery of your manual.
ISO 17100 Quality Standards – All of our translations are completed by our skillful team of men and women. And not only are we certified within the ISO 17100 standard, but every member of our translation staff abides and follows ISO 17100 procedures and are immensely experienced. Each and every one of our translated documents is carefully checked and reviewed by a second equally qualified translator so as to ensure an optimal final translated manual.
Experienced Project Management – Technical manuals are a key aspect for any product. Our experience has seen us handle any potential roadblock that may come up and we take great pride in our capacity to consistently, unfailingly, deliver a well-rendered, high-quality technical manual.
Houston Translations is here to guide you and to help you avoid the pitfalls that will come up when navigating complex processes. Our staff will not only guide you but address issues before they arise so you are ready and can help us decide on the course of action for your manual depending on your desired outcome.
When you do business with us you're paying for high quality and peace of mind!!!
Are you looking for translation of a specific type of technical manual? We have translated over 4000 manuals. Read more specific information on specific types of manuals:
Our technical manual translation solutions are complete from beginning to end. We handle every aspect of the translation of your technical manual. There are a variety of factors that come up when translating your manual that we spearhead to ensure you get exactly what you need at the end of the process. We've completed this process over 4000 times that we are true experts when it comes to technical manuals. Houston translations also looks at the following areas that come up regarding translating your technical manual.
Here we focus our energies upon delivering a final print-ready technical manual with graphics and layout in the language chosen by our client. Our experience with FrameMaker, Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Publisher, and many more, allows us to handle any file version you have and deliver an exact replica of your manual in the language of your choice.
Many of our clients sell their most popular products in a variety of countries. Every country has their own official language. We make it easy for our clients by translating the same manual in multiple languages at the same time. Groupings such as this allows for cost savings and greater efficiency and timeliness when manuals must be quickly rendered and distributed. We work with all the necessary requirements depending on the country the manual is meant to target. We also ensure that specific dialects are targeted so the manual is native to the country it's meant for. Our capable and dedicated team of account managers welcomes any questions you may have.
Do you need your manual translated into multiple languages? We've got you covered!!!
Over the past 12 years our translation service has adopted specific standards and practices that helps us deliver the highest in translation quality.
Here are a few standards that we've enacted when translating your technical manuals so you know that it's in good hands:
Reach out today to one of our account managers to discuss your technical manual translation needs. We translate in over 200 languages and dialects and work with all type of files. Your project is in good hands with us.